April 18, 2011

Sara Demam

Sara demam..tak best! poor my baby..hope she will recover soon...

April 10, 2011

HIS "promises" to Mama

Taken from Magazine Nur APR 2011 edition :

"Wanita yg memberi minum susu kepada anaknya dari badannya(susu badan) akan mendapat satu pahala dari setiap titik susu yg diberikannya"

"Jika Wanita menyusui anaknya sampai cukup tempoh(2 1/2 tahun) maka Malaikat2 di langit akan khabarkan berita bahawa syurga wajib baginya"

" Jika wanita memberi susu badannya kepada anaknya yang menangis, Allah akan memberi pahala satu tahun puasa dan solat"

"Wanita yg menghabiskan malamnya dengan tidur yg tidak selesa kerana menjaga anaknya yang sakit akan mendapat pahala seperti membebaskan 20 org hamba"

"Wanita yg tidak cukup tidur pada malam hari kenara menjaga anak yang sakit akan diampunkan oleh Allah akan seluruh dosanye dan bila dihiburkan hati anaknya,Allah memberi 12 tahun pahala ibadat"

Its not easy to be a mom..especially breastfeeding for working mum..plus having problem myself when Sara refused to drink milk from bottle, even pump breast milk..almost jeopardized my career back then but with Allah help, I managed to get through the rough time..

still remember last 6 months when she was 4 months, I need to feed her every 2 hours..so I went back and forth from office to the babysitter house to feed her..every single 2 hours..never failed..until finally now she can take other form of food rather than just my milk...Syukur...

But looking at the promises guaranteed by Him, I'll try my best to breastfeed my child as long as I can and be patient as a mom..InSyaAllah..

And Mak..u breastfed all four of us..so you gained the most!..thank you..

April 8, 2011

Happy Anniversary Mak & Bapak

32 years they have been married...so today they celebrate their anniversary..wishing them All happiness in the world..

I've known them for almost 30 years..not one second I wish to have other parent rather than my Mak & my Bapak..as the eldest I've been through many ups and downs with them..I don't know bout my brothers & sister but I cherish every single moment with them..being a Mom myself now, i realised why my Mom & Dad did what they did last time when I small..why can't I go out with friends..why can't I go to school by myself..why I have to be home before 7p.m everyday..they just too care about us..but I guess I grow up being quite a fine lady now..because of them..

Mak & Bapak..Kakak love you two always..hope our good life and good bonding will continue forever..Amiinn..

April 4, 2011

Wish List ..

after almost one month silent..too many things in my hand :)..so tak sempat to write..tonite i'm thinking back of my life wish list..as normal human being,,we have a wish list, so Do I...

since married and have a daughter..your wish and pray is totally not for you, but more to the one that you love..as for me..here are the list:

1. A Son perhaps :) :)

2. The kids grow up as fine, successful, kind, nice person..remember Her/his roots and a good muslim..

3. My family in true happiness..me, hubby & the kids..

4. Me & Hubby grow old together and May Allah give us a long life to see our kid get married

5. Europe Tour

6. Hajj with Hubby

7. Be a good wife to my hubby , a good mother to my kids and a good daughter to my parent till my last breath..

That's basically it..May Allah listen and grant my wish..